Monday, January 31, 2011

If you are what you eat...

then I must be crap! 
For whatever reason(s), in recent years, I've developed a very unhealthy relationship with food, but I'm trying to change that. I read an eye-opening article the other day about food myths and other good-to-know facts.  The part that stuck out most in my mind is this little tid-bit for you to chew on...

For a healthy and well balanced diet your plate should be half fruits &/or veggies (yes that's right I said HALF!), one quarter lean protein and one quarter complex carbs.  That is like a complete 180 for my family, and Americans in general.  I mean, I knew we needed to eat more fruits and veggies, but I didn't fully understand just how far off the mark we were.
...and think about this for a minute! When you go out to eat that is not the way your plate looks at all!!! It's more like half meat/half carbs (both of which are equal to two servings or more and likely not lean or complex to boot) and then an extra 1/8 - 1/4 veggies as an after thought. The vegetable is more like a garnish! Unless, or course, you order a vegetarian dish or a salad and even then there's probably ten times the amount of fat (dressing) you should eat.

So I am making a vow to meet this goal for my family as often as possible.

I have to say that I did this for myself yesterday and felt better than I have in a  l  o  n  g  time. I eat a bunch of fruits & veggies at each meal and for snacks. Though it was my lost calorie day (other than the day I had a stomach flu and didn't eat at all) I felt fuller longer all day. I was never starving. I felt the way I am supposed to feel and it felt good!

Wish us luck and I hope you and yours have the same success in healthy eating. ;D

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